Whole Life Health Services

Cleansing Diet

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Cleansing Diet

To reduce further contamination and to promote detoxification and healing the following diet should be followed for a minimum of two months

At the end of the two month cleanse as few changes as possible should be made to this diet. 

Maximum health will follow the permanent adoption of this dietary program.



      Animal products including red and white meat, fish, seafood, poultry and dairy (milk, butter, cheese,

      eggs, yogurt, whey etc.) are not allowed on this diet.


      Table sugar (sucrose) and dextrose are also not allowed.  Brown sugar which is sucrose mixed with

      molasses is also not allowed.


      Alcoholic beverages, soda drinks and tobacco are not allowed.



The philosophy behind elements of this diet and suggested reading and recipes are included at the end of

this diet plan.


Please consult with your doctor before making any alterations or substitutions.


On Rising


Consume by sipping, one ounce Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar (or other Natural, "Live" AC Vinegar) mixed with

one teaspoon honey and four ounces steam distilled water. Wait 15 minutes.  Consume one ounce olive oil.  Wait another half hour, then eat a fresh fruit breakfast.  (may include fruit juice)   Fruits may be mixed, BUT - MELON must be eaten alone.  Melon may be mixed with other melons.


You must allow one hour to elapse after a fruit meal before eating a non-fruit meal. After eating melon

you must wait two hours before consuming any other foods.


Lunch and Dinner


At lunch OR dinner consume one ounce of olive oil (may be on salad) Eat combination of raw and lightly

steamed or lightly cooked vegetables, grains and legumes. Raw, well chewed or ground nuts may be eaten,

not to exceed 1/8 cup. A raw mixed vegetable salad at both lunch and dinner is desirable Vegetable juice

(preferably raw)  must be low or no sodium


Raw to cooked ratio should be two to one.  Two raw for every one cooked.


Evening Meal 


During the last four hours before retiring only fruit or fruit juice may be consumed.


Consume one serving of apple cider vinegar mixture.  Wait 15 minutes.  Consume fruit meal  (may be juice or may include juice)





Water is essential to cleansing and also to maintaining good health.  You must drink plenty of water every day and the water you drink must be pure.  Steam distilled water is always the best choice although any water is better than none.  For success in cleansing, you do need to use distilled water. 


Between meals consume steam distilled water 8 - 10 glasses per day.  It is desirable to consume 3 to 4 quarts of distilled water every day.  This may be difficult at first but your body will gradually develop a strong desire for water and it will become very easy to drink up to a gallon of distilled water every day.


You may not drink water one half hour before or one hour after a meal. You may not drink water with a meal. (water will dilute digestive fluids and promote poor and incomplete digestion)


You may drink small amounts fruit juice with a fruit meal or vegetable juice with a vegetable meal.  It is best however to allow some time (15 – 30 minutes) between liquids and solids.


Philosophy behind this diet.


The body does most of it’s healing and cleansing when you are asleep. During that time the energy

devoted to consciousness and it’s many attendant duties can be used to heal. Digestion of complex foods

requires more energy and time than the digestion of simple foods.  Digestion of complex foods stimulates

the body and requires available energy to be diverted from healing.


Many toxins are present in foods, especially in complex foods. The chemistry of digestion creates

additional toxins. The more complex a food is, the more chemistry it contains and the more toxins are

produced in chemical reactions via mixing and the addition of heat and acid


Natural sugars are required for cell activity. The sugars in fruits are more readily available than the sugars

in more complex foods. By consuming fruits in the evening, more energy can be provided with less energy

expended in digestion fewer toxins will be present to detract from healing and cleansing more energy can

be devoted to healing. 


Processed sugars, like common table sugar (sucrose and dextrose) create insulin and adrenalin imbalances and should be avoided at all times.  Artificial sweeteners, like saccharine and aspartame have no health benefits and many health liabilities  They should be avoided.  Acceptable sweeteners are discussed here.


By consuming complex foods during the day, the effects of stimulation and heat production are used to

best advantage.  Hunger is satisfied by longer time spent in digestion due to the complex food structure. Physical activity helps in the digestion of complex foods


By consuming fruits in the morning, the body, after working hard all night healing is not required to tackle a

difficult to digest food.  Maximum morning energy is provided with the least energy output.  The more pure

and less toxic food will promote more clear thinking and tissue cleansing.


Animal products are the most complex of all food products (unless you eat metal and rock) They contain

and produce the most toxins, saturated fats and mucous and require the longest time and most energy to

digest. They create a condition of acidosis which is death to cells and the climate of chronic degenerative



More rapid cleansing may be inititated by following a three day cleansing fast as described elsewhere on this web site.  The three day fast should only be undertaken with your doctors recommendation and supervision.



Recommended reading:


Fit for Life - Harvey and Marilyn Diamond - Warner Books


Fit for Life II


Diet for a New America - John Robbins - Stillpoint Press


Diet for a Small Planet - Frances Moore Lappe’


The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program - Ann Wigmore - Avery Press


(raw food)




                              Whole Life Health Center


                                        60 West Main Street


                                         Lehi, Utah 84043




                                        Fax 1-309-412-6600




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