Whole Life Health Services
Following is a three day cleansing fast, which can be quite brutal, but not dangerous and very effective. Elsewhere on the website is a follow up diet which is essential to follow for maximum cleansing and health. The three day fast will require you to have three entire days at home, the second and third of which you will not want to be more than a few feet from the bathroom as you will have many "cleansing moments" without much warning. On the fourth day you should be able to pursue regular activity and should feel quite invigorated. The follow up diet will involve two
months abstinence from many refined and cooked foods and all animal products,
including dairy so be sure you are willing to follow up before you engage the
cleansing fast. Be sure you have some raw fruits available for the transition
back to solid foods. Three day fast:
Proper order and timing is very important. Morning:Sip one ounce of apple cider vinegar mixed with one teaspoon honey and four ounces of steam distilled water. Wait a half hour. Drink one ounce of olive oil Wait an hour. Drink 6 ounces of prune juice Wait a half hour. Drink 16 to 24 ounces apple juice Wait a half hour. Drink distilled water to satisfy need to feel full Noon:A minimum of a half hour must have elapsed since last fluid intake. Drink one ounce olive oil. Wait an hour. Consume the balance of one gallon apple juice through the afternoon and evening and distilled water as needed to break the monotony You must wait a half hour between juice and water. Before bed:Drink one serving of apple cider vinegar mixture. Follow this formula for three days The apple juice should provide ample sugars to maintain an acceptable blood sugar level. However do not be surprised if you occasionally feel faint as you are cleaning out. This is a normal result of detoxification. Expect to be very uncomfortable for at least the last day (or two) I expect you may be cursing me at times, but please have faith and do not cheat. At the conclusion of the three day cleansing fast, gradually re-introduce solid foods following the two month cleansing diet format. Do not over eat or binge in other ways. |
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